Getting Ready for the Festive Season with River Island

black fashion blogger

what to wear to a christmas party

uk afro hair blog, uk fashion blog, riverisland jumpsuit jumpsuit, party outfit


in this photo:
Rings – H&M

in this photo:
Coat – Reiss*
Jumpsuit-  River Island*
Heels – River Island*
Glasses- Dior

red tassel heels

So, party season is upon us and the big question is what does one wear? Many of you have proper 9-5’s and the last thing one wants to do is to head home to change only to have to schlep back or to have to bring your party dress in a bag, which means having to wear something semi-wrinkled and a little lifeless. I’ve found the solution to be a multitasking jumpsuit, super easy to style for your 9-5 or 10-7 with a chic blazer and a pointy heel (or flat) and then come party time all you have to do is add a fierce nighttime lippie, throw on a sassy pair of heels – enter these serious contenders from River Island add some bling and you are ready to hit the party.

My favourite thing about wearing a jumpsuit is that it’s a chic and warm party alternative – noone wants to be that cold and miserable girl  – been there done that and I have to tell you hypothermia is not a joke ha!

Happy Friday Peeps, have an awesome weekend!!




  1. lela
    / 12:20 pm

    Those shoes are dreamy


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