Review| Samsung S5, Gear Fit and Gear Fit Neo




ng S5, Gear Fit and Gear Fit Neo Review

You guys know me, I’m not really up to date with the latest tech or gadgets. For my last 4 phones, I have always gone onto eBay and bought a used model that I have seen get good reviews online. My friend also recently told me about the coupons on Raise so I will definitely look into that next time I’m on the market for a new phone.

But that won’t be for a few years because I have recently been given the opportunity to use the latest Samsung phone and have loved it! As I said, I’m not used to having the latest model of anything so this was a pleasant change. If you are a smartphone lover, then you may be pleasantly surprised by this new addition. Did you know that smartphone users reached more than 4 billion in recent years? That is a massive leap and there are no signs that it’ll be slowing down. Here’s what I’ve learned for the last few weeks while I have been getting to grips with the Samsung S5, Gear Fit Neo and Gear Fit.

I am a big fan of the camera quality, battery life (it tends to last me the whole day even when instagraming and emailing) and ultra-save mode that allows the phone to last for 24 hours on 10% battery (it turns of all unnecessary functions).

What else I like about the Samsung S5:

The bigger and brighter screen– perfect for photo editing (you can look at pages such as Inthow for some great editing apps to try out), Pinterest and just normal day to day use.

The camera- it weighs in 16 megapixels and it shows. Lots of features such as Panorama and Beauty Face. The auto focus is amazing – I can’t wait to try it out during Fashion Week!

The fact it is water resistant – yes really and perfect for when I’m in the kitchen!


Heart Rate sensor

It has a heart rate sensor (pictured above)that I use before, during and after my runs.

You can set a s.o.s message to your emergency contact by pressing the power key a set number of times (I am paranoid about safety so this is amazing to me!)

S Health App- It covers walking, running and cycling it has gps tracking and mapping.

What I don’t like about the Phone:

That I’m still not used to the power key being where it is and I keep hitting it accidentally but that is my only complaint.

Below you can see some images I shot on the Samsung S5:

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Samsung S5, Gear Fit and Gear Fit Neo Review

Now lets talk about the Gear Fit and Gear Fit Neo:

Using the Pedometer on the Samsung Gear Fit Neo.

Using the Pedometer on the Samsung Gear Fit Neo.

Making a call on the Gear Fit Neo

Making a call on the Gear Fit Neo

The Gear Fit Neo allows me to check my emails and texts as well as call from my wrist as long as my phone is in reach I left my phone upstairs and rang my a friend and it worked!

You can’t reply to emails however but I tend to glance at my emails and only deal with important ones so this feature is great for me when I’m on the go.

The Gear Fit Neo (Like the Gear Fit) also has a pedometer, cycling, hiking and run tracker. They both also link up to your phone so you can see your stats in the SHealth app. With the Gear Fit all you need is Bluetooth Headphones and you can listed to your music while out and about without messy cords!!


Samsung S5 SHealth

Both Bands fit very well and a comfortable (I was apprehensive about this until I tried them) and because the are black and silver they go well with my jewellery and don’t demand attention or take away from an outfit.

The Gear Fit is the smaller of the two the main difference between it and the Neo is that you can’t make calls.

I prefer the Gear Fit when running and training and the Gear Fit Neo for everything else.

Overall I really do like the S5 and it is the perfect upgrade to my S4 Zoom.

It has all the great features I have come to expect from Samsung and many new ones.

The Samsung S5 is available in Shimmery White, Blue,Copper Gold and Black. Click here for more.

The Samsung S5, Gear Fit and Gear Fit Neo were gifted to me by Samsung but as always all opinions expressed are my own!*



  1. Jamie
    / 9:06 am

    the images you took are great it seems like a good phone. should it be my next upgrad?

    • iamnrc
      / 9:17 am

      Well it is my new upgrade and I seriously love it. Soo many ace features!!

  2. / 9:10 am

    I really want that fitness band in gold edging

    • iamnrc
      / 9:16 am

      Ohh or rose gold :p!!

  3. / 9:11 am

    Great and informative for bloggers, I like that you use words we can all understand lol. I’ve been looking for a S5 review like this

    • iamnrc
      / 9:16 am

      Oh that is soo lovely to hear. Yeah I try to keep it simple and honest!

  4. Ruth
    / 9:48 pm

    I never comment but those phone pics look great girl!!!!!!!


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