Lilac hurr, Don’t curr

Photos by Jade Wills
For some reason my hair looks lilac but its more pink IRL. I found this jumper in a lovely vintage store in Berlin its massive but it keeps me warm and my mommers hates it which means I now love it even more.Β I also decided to be all fashion blogger on ya’ll and have a cuff under my collar but with this being me the cuffs too small to see haha and I totally stole this white shirt from my little brother , yeah thats right I steal from children and what? I bought these leather trousers in Zara but they were to big so I got out my sewing machine and executed my GCSE textiles sewing skills but sadly they still give me saggy knees ugh … my legs to hip ratio is way off darn this Southern African Bod ha. But hey no camel toe!

Also look I’m not wearing creepers for once … Can I have a round ofΒ applauseΒ please?Β No okay I gave myself one anyway πŸ˜‰

I’m Wearing:
Shirt – Baby Brother
Pleather trousersΒ – Zara
Pewter Loafers – ASOS (the fit is terrible)
Jumper – Vintage from Berlin
Cuff necklace – Forever 21
Cross necklace – Vintage
Bag – H&M
Rings – Budapest

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  1. / 7:13 pm

    You made me laugh so hard girly, also you and you southern african bod are so pretty

  2. / 7:38 pm

    You look amazing! Love your hair (and it looks great with the cardi)! Awesome blog, definitely following! x

  3. / 7:54 pm

    Really this sweater!! Nice Blog….

  4. / 8:12 pm

    love the mettalic creepers and your dip dye looks beaut x

  5. / 9:47 pm

    Your make up looks flawless! Really like your style πŸ™‚ xo

  6. / 10:31 pm

    you know I adore your cardi, but here’s a reminder so that you super know, hehe πŸ™‚
    loved your outfit today sweetie

  7. / 10:47 pm

    I love this vintage outfit! Your cardi matches your dip dyed hair πŸ™‚


  8. / 11:35 pm

    I was going to get those trousers BUT it wouldn’t fit!
    Looks great on you, liking the dipped ends too.

    J x

  9. / 11:36 pm

    your hair is ridiculous. i love it!!!! love this whole look!


  10. / 12:47 am

    Absolutely love the hair! Looks amazing with the cardi too!

  11. / 12:56 am

    beautiful blog! love your cover photo and hair!


  12. / 7:46 am

    ohh i love ur cardi πŸ™‚ xxx

  13. / 8:53 am

    your outfit is really cool!

  14. / 10:14 am

    I love that cardi! xx

  15. / 1:44 pm

    you’re gorgeous πŸ™‚ love the jumper, looks so great with the hair.


  16. / 2:46 pm

    You look great girl, love your style!
    Amazing blog, keep posting!

    Please check out my latest look!

  17. / 4:45 pm

    Oh your hair is awesome! πŸ™‚

  18. / 4:57 pm

    I adore your header!! The picture is amazing, definitely something I would like to print out and hang it on my wall!

    Really nice style, absolutely what I like and love.

    xxx from paris

  19. / 11:06 am

    very cute oufit ;)))

    xx teenj

  20. / 4:48 pm

    love your style, just perfect!! πŸ™‚ Oh and omg, your dip dyed hair looks amazzzzing!! love it! πŸ™‚
    Much love, gabriele. xx

  21. / 5:08 pm

    omg, totally love this outfit post. your pants, sweater/jumper, bag and rings, everything is perfect and your hair *-*. wooow, love it. your kinda my role model. <3

  22. / 11:36 am

    You are so pretty! Love the outfit and your hair!!

  23. / 2:33 pm

    Your lila hair is great! Fantastic Blog!

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.

    Do you want to follow each other? I would love! πŸ™‚


  24. / 1:43 am

    truly liking the shade of purple hues throughout Ngoni =)
    and of course, the colour palette matches your hair very well!

    Style Hostess

  25. / 2:43 pm

    You look gorgeous! love the hair!

  26. / 10:34 pm

    Seriously girl, you are so cute! I love your style – new follower πŸ™‚ xxx

  27. / 11:36 am

    I love your BLOG, o so much! I’m happy I found you. Btw , did you dye the ends pink or used a spray paint for the hair, its too cute πŸ™‚


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