LFW A/W13| Rihanna x RiverIsland

I can assure you that 90% of bloggers in attendance are going to gush and gush about the collection

but I hombres am not one of those bloggers. I am going to be very honest!

Look I love the nineties sure I was less than a twinkle in my dads eye when they began but its my favourite decade, I also a good thigh high slit maxi but its nothing I haven’t already bought and worn to death, I’m not sure what I was expecting Riri (or rather the real designer behind the shambles) to come up with but this was… well lets say lacklustre.

It was set to beats about ‘bitches, niggers, fucking and being nigger rich’ what great soundtracks huh?

Between you and I, I’m not a hater I’m all for celebrities doing their thing their thing being causing drama -that I can read on the morning communte of the Daily Fail/Mail, smoking pot, wrongly influencing youth etc) however ‘designing’ (again I will digress and say nothing about what really went on) isn’t something Rihanna needs to be doing.

River Island next time please give the platform to a bright young designer as per usual. Give me something new and fresh not just a regurgitation of what is getting the highest notes on Tumblr.

Enough from me I’ll let the photos of the ‘collection’ do the talking after all theres an after party I’m in two minds to attend!

Comment and let me know what you think… Maybe I’m wrong but I doubt it lol.Desktop




  1. Tenelle Ottley-Matthew
    / 11:38 pm

    I strongly agree with this post. I was incredibly eager to see what the collection looked like, however I found that I enjoyed the party atmosphere/ staging of her show more than the clothes itself. Having said that, there are a couple pieces I love and may consider purchasing but overall I wasn’t blown away. (Should I have expected to be? Not sure).

    Tenelle x

    • iamnrc
      / 12:16 am

      Thanks Tenelle, glad you agree hun. Yes the staging and concept were pretty ace.


  2. / 11:38 pm

    Someone who knows what they are taking about ^^^^^. Totally agree with you hun. There ain’t nothing special about this xx

  3. Dami
    / 11:55 pm

    What a complete and utter bore. Then again, what was I expecting. X

    • iamnrc
      / 12:17 am

      Lol yup what did we expect!!

  4. / 8:56 am

    I totally agree with you. All that hype led to nothing particularly special or groundbreaking and a little bit outdated if you think about it. As my sister said, if “if I want crops, I’ll just go to motel”. the only thing I liked was the long flowing dress xx

    • iamnrc
      / 12:34 am

      Wise girl lol, yup me too that wasn’t too bad!

  5. / 1:12 pm

    I must say that this represents Riri’s bad gal persona pretty well (see what’s my name video) whilst it appeals to some I know for sure it’s not for me.

    Christy of:

  6. / 6:30 pm

    Though the collection does not appeal to me in any shape or form, I do believe the ‘Rihanna Navy’ will eat this up. They admire her and would want to emulate her. The ‘collection’ like Christy said represents that Bad Girl persona that she has going on. Im just looking forward to the the prices.

    • iamnrc
      / 12:33 am

      Lol, Rihanna Navy! Yup that will be interesting, someone will definitely like it x

  7. / 1:36 pm

    I’m with you – doesn’t appear to be my thang at all, although I may think differently when I walk past her pieces in the shop. I didn’t have any expectations really, the same as with the Kardashian collection, which I felt was equally lack lustre. Anyway I think I may be a bit old for buying pop-star endorsed products now, but I will never say never!



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