Fathers Day Gifts – a gift guide

– Fathers Day Gifts –
My dad is like the hardest man to buy for and he is pretty high maintenance (no guesses where I get it from now huh?).
So I like to keep things simple and practical when it comes to giving him fathers day gifts.
So here is my Fathers day gifts guide:
Iphone charger (lifesave for dads on the go and you can steal it too) here
Lavazza Machine so simple to use (and a caffeinated dad is a happy dad!)  here 
Jaeger Shirt (a man can never have too many white shirts) here
Versace loafers (well he is your dad afterall splurge a little) here
Hermes cologne (Dads should always smell nice its a rule) here
Kate Spade Picture Frame (Insert a photo of you and your dad in it for his desk and win sentimental points) here
Worlds greatest dad mug (I buy him one every year but they always seem to disappear…funny that eh Dad -_-) here


Happy Thursday peeps 



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